Verander je hele gym in een communitymuur
Met Crux kunnen je klimmers binnen enkele seconden aangepaste routes op elke wand in de gym maken, gebruikmakend van hun creativiteit en je gymervaring transformeren.
Crux is een klimapp waarmee je klimmers aangepaste routes kunnen maken op je spray walls en normale klimwanden. Gratis resets, onbeperkte foto's en geen verwerkingstijd.
Professionele Klimmer & Olympiër
Having climbed on spray walls for the majority of my training as a professional climber, I was always on the lookout for something that would make sharing and keeping track of my climbs easier.
The technology Climb with Crux is using is really revolutionizing this process and leaves me in awe every time I take a picture of a dense spray wall and it finds all the holds flawlessly.
Competitieve Jeugd Klimmer
The Crux climbing app is one of the most helpful tools in training as a competitive youth climber. The unique hold scanning feature makes building custom boulders much more efficient.
Using the technology they have made brings the online climbing community to a whole new level.
The Crux climbing app is an incredible tool for our daughter, who is a competitive youth climber.
Her coaches are able to use spray sets and systems to develop climbs and training movements in real-time and to share ideas. Our daughter can then keep track of how she progresses with training. The app allows for a seamless mix of in-person and remote training. The interface is simple and efficient, and the support is top-notch.
Wil je meer leren over het krijgen van de Crux App in je gym? Vul het onderstaande formulier in en we nemen binnenkort contact met je op.